Saturday, December 12, 2009

Happy Anniversary?

Wow, a year already.  It's been quite the year to say the least.  A year ago tonight reality bitch slapped me across the face.  A year ago tonight I received, in rapid fire succession, a series of phone calls that would ultimately change my life, and my girls lives...forever.
I honestly remember very little about this past year.  I acted on instinct most of the time, and when I couldn't function I had people around me that would function for me.  I've been told that I've done it, that I've survived, that I made it through.  I suppose that I have.  I know I'm a stronger person for all that's happened.  I know that I'm the me that I'm supposed to be.  I realize that I have gone through something and come out the other side.  The odd thing is, I don't see any of that as being amazing.  I did what I had to do given the circumstances.  I didn't see that I had any choice in the matter but to go forward...and I had a path to choose.  

I'm honestly not sure how I feel about today.  I hope that I can soon forget that December 12 was the time I found out.  I never want to forget that it happened, I'd just like that day to be a memory....fuzzy....lost in time....

Sunday, November 29, 2009

She Walked Away Without So Much As a Backward Glance

Today was the last day I plan to EVAH step foot into The House. Sure, I'll be in the garage, but the garage holds so many good memories for me now. So this afternoon I walked through one last time, expecting...I don't know exactly, something. All I felt was relief and peace. I shut that door one last time and walked away.

I thought back over this past year and looked where I am now. I microscope looked. My view sure has changed...and I've never been happier. Good, bad and ugly I love where I am, literally and metaphorically.

So I'm writing that next book, filling those pages up at rapid fire speed. My pen is to paper and it's making those wonderful scratching noises that only pens to paper do.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

There Are No Words...

well, there are...they just bounce around inside my head.  During the day, during my long long car ride to and fro, the words are there.  I just can't get them in any sort of order these days.  I can't be still enough to get the words to behave.  Soon.  Soon I'll have my space, my peace and my time to coax all the words into something that makes sense.  I look forward to it, I dream of it...I long for it.  I think with joy about the nights I'll have being curled up in my perfect little nook...the nights that I know my words will obey and want to flow freely, instead of now...where they are there, being difficult.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Act Your Age!

What exactly does that mean?  I was told last night that I didn't really seem my age, that I was more like a kid.  Growing up I was always told to act my age, but looking back I *was* acting my age.
So WTH?  I'm 37 years old...where's the outline of how I'm supposed to be acting?  I mean wedding anniversaries are laid out for you...telling you exactly what to get on which year...why not ages?
It'd be great to just open a book before every birthday and get a full outline of what you're supposed to be doing and how you're supposed to be, maybe not.
I was never a fan of coloring in the lines...why start now.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Winds of Change

Oh yeah, those winds of change are blowing all right...blowing so hard my damn hair is getting messed up (sorry, taking a "southern moment" ;-) )

The other day it hit me, my life is going to change forever.  It's been a very long time since my life has had this much change in it, and it's GOOD....scary as hell, but good.

I'm excited to take the step onto this new path...there are a ton of things in my way, that's for sure...but for some reason I'm ok with that...I can see the end and I just want to run to it.  I'm exercising my patience though....which is comical all on it's own.

And distracted as ever, I plug along with my days...sometimes you just need to be a butterfly to get it all done....

Monday, September 21, 2009

So This Is 37

To say that my 36th year was hard would be an understatement.  During the course of that year I went through so many changes and emotions, I can't even begin to describe.  It was a year of awakening, a year of taking a good hard look at things...something that I didn't want to do, but was forced to do.  And that's ok.  Somethings aren't better left alone.  Status quo isn't always a good thing.  
So when it came time for 37 to roll around I was more than ready.  I wanted a fresh beginning, and brand new starting line with a new ending....that's not written yet.  
I was surrounded by some of the best people that I know over the birthday weekend.  

With them I celebrated surviving, growing, learning and recovering.  I am blessed.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

White Tights

Since the first day that one neighborhood boy splashed mud on my pretty white tights in grammar school I knew I'd never understand them.  Who them?  Boys.  Men.  Oh who are you kidding...they'll always be boys.
I mean what is it with them??  Cave men would drag their women around by their damn hair!  Now we give up our names in most cases sometimes ourselves.
And yet we keep going back.  We just keep changing our tights and we keep getting mud splashed on them.
True some are way better than others, but, they'll always splash the matter how great they are.
I am tired of changing my damn tights.  I like my clean white pretty tights and damn it the next time I get splashed with mud I swear I'll take them off right then and there and walk away.  Naked...ok, not totally naked...but naked by way of no tights.
Damn it.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

And Then You Were Twelve

Happy Birthday to my darling girl.  My heart, my joy, my butterfly love.

The day that you were born, my life changed forever.  Never again would I be the same woman that I was.  Never again would I view the world in the same way.  You simply *being* opened my eyes to things that I could never even imagine.  The beauty in a drop of water dripping from a leaf, the way the wind blows the leaves on are who makes me take the time to notice these little things, these amazing things.  You are truly a blessing my oldest daughter. 

This year I give you wings my baby, wings to enter the next chapter in your book of life.  Little wings to stretch and to fly with.  Your starter wings to soar to those places that I know you will.  
I wish you the strength to hold your head high, to stand tall, and to be you.  

I love you my girl, my angel baby.  I love you *so big*.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Who Knew...

Who knew I'd find happy after being so sad for so long.
Who knew I'd want to stay in a state that for years I wanted to leave, I've found peace here.
Who knew that I'd find my way, find me, and have the power to act.
Who knew that I'd day dream again, find hope, be hungry for things again.

Who knew I'd become strong, find a voice, and fly.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

As though being a mom is not hard enough, throw in having a child with any type of special needs.  Now I know today, everything constitutes a “special need” but 11, almost 12, years ago it was pretty cut and dry.


My oldest was born with numerous heart defects.  We’re not talking one hole, but 4…and narrowing of arteries from her heart and her lungs.  We found all this out when she was three months old.  Imagine it please.  Or actually, don’t.  It was the hardest thing I’d ever dealt with at the age of 24.

I was left in a holding pattern.  Told to watch for signs of heart failure.  Told that they wouldn’t know for certain if surgery was in our future.  It’s a humbling thing to be in a waiting room of a children’s hospital, that’s for certain.


The time between visits to her cardiologist were some of the longest periods of my life.  I was exhausted to my core, feeling so unbelievably helpless I could barely function.  My life revolved around my precious tiny girl, my girl who never asked for her health issues, who laughed and smiled and was happy.  I held her tiny little self in my arms and listened to a geneticist tell me that she’d never amount to anything, that she’d probably never function normally.  I remember looking down at her precious innocent face and just not understanding how he could know that already.  How could he sit there and tell me things that haven’t been written yet?

I took her home that day, feeling completely alone and confused. 

I spent the next week researching and learning all that I could, and then one morning I looked over and saw her smiling at me.  That was it for me. That was the moment it all clicked into place.

I shut the computer off, picked up my perfect baby girl and never looked back.

Sure, every single day presents a new set of challenges, but we deal with them together looking dead at them in the eyes instead of sticking our heads in the sand.  Yes, you mourn the loss of what you think of as “normal”….but if you’re lucky you can learn to appreciate the normal that is, not what isn’t.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Life is funny.  You hear over and over again that you're only as good as the company that you keep.  I finally, after all these years, fully understand that.   

The people that are around me, the few that I let into my life and open the doors to my soul for, they are the ones that when I become a flighty silly air filled balloon, pull me back down to solid ground.  Sure, sometimes they deflate me and that's okay because there are those times they see my need to float and they let me.....holding firmly to my string to pull me back down again.
They are my own personal form of gravity, rooting me in place....reminding me of what's truly important in life.   I lost that once, and I never want to again.  

Monday, June 1, 2009

Hi, Nice to See You Again....

I took a road trip recently that literally changed me, or, brought me back...I'm not sure which.
It was a 6 hour one way drive...longest I had taken since before I was married...and I was driving.
My music?  Soundtrack from the movie Elizabethtown.  So with my girls, good music and my thoughts that I had been ignoring we got on the road.

In those 6 hours I allowed myself to hear my thoughts, really hear them.  The thoughts that I never wanted to admit I had.  I listened to myself finally and by the time I pulled into the driveway I knew...hadn't fully admitted to myself, but knew.

I spent days enjoying great company, watching my girls smile, realizing that I was also the time we left I was there.  Wounds that I thought would never heal, are.  Happiness that I never thought I would feel again, I do.  My girls notice.  Maddi said that she missed my smiles and Alli has told me over and over again that she's glad that I'm back, and that I'm happy.

People keep asking me if I've met someone, and I have.  
I've met me again. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sometimes I feel like I've been walking for days, that exhaustion, that fear of feeling's all there.  When I turn around to see the path I've been on, it's gone...hidden by the new grown brush that blocks my way back.  

Makes me wish I had a machete.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

My 7 Year Old Sage

Seeing me sad a lot over the past few months, my 7 year old finally told me that it was ok to be sad.  Then she lays this one me....
"Without sad there wouldn't be happy"
I looked at her blinking for probably 5 minutes.  Damned if she wasn't right.
My 7 year old has a deeper view of the world than I knew....and now she's dispensing her sage advice to her 36 year old mom....which is great actually.  So fine...I get order to know what happy feels like I need to do the sad thing.  I'm totally accepting of that, really I am.  I'm just a little over feeling sad all.the.damned.time.  

 I want to find my happy.  Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever find that again.  It's a weird place to be in actually.  There are times I think I've found footing, only to realize that I was standing on quicksand, nothing stable.  And I'm really not the most patient person at all, I'll freely admit that.  So I want my happy *now*....

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Legacy of Being Left

I'm still struggling. Suddenly I'm a single mom.  Suddenly my life is turned upside down.  Suddenly it's been four months.  Every minute of every day is sometimes a challenge for me.  There are days where I honestly think that I'm finally ok and then for some reason, no reason actually, I know that I'm not.  I realize that I'm a role model for my girls, that how I handle things now will show them so many things.  I want to show them that women can be strong, but I also want to show them that loosing someone that you have loved can make you weak, and that crying is ok.  Being sad is ok.  I want them to see me be sad and then see me stand up.  I want them to know that if they are going to love, to love 100% to throw their entire heart and soul into it.  That being hurt is part of it, and that they too will survive heartbreak.   
I want them to know without a doubt that I have tried, that I did and still do love, and that letting go was not what I wanted, but loving someone enough to make choices you don't agree with is ok.

Those are my hopes for my girls.  

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Leap Before You Look?

Wait, is that right?  Hmmmm.  

Seems to have worked out pretty ok for me so far.  It's basically how I've lived my life.  I leap, then take a look around and I take a moment to get used to my new surroundings.  It's funny because most people would view me as someone who never takes risks.  And that's partly true, I don't take any unnecessary  risks in life.  There are just some things that are worth being risky about.  That's my opinion anyway...

Don't ask me to list the ones that are worth it, I never really know until they're laid out in front of me...

Tangled Mess of Chain

There comes a time in life where you have to be shaken to your very core.  You have to be broken down to dust in order to realize what really is important in life.  Only then can you rebuild a life the way you need to, with what you need.  Peel away the excuses, the pycho-babble, the crap...and you look, you delve, you think.  Through crisis comes clarity.    The book was written over the years, lives intertwined within those pages.  Our story being told real time.  Words pouring onto the pages as though they were alive.  Words washing over the blank pages that held our future.  Together we lived, together we wrote, together we added the words that bound lives once separate.   The book grew into a novel, and the novel got placed on the shelf for safe keeping.  Safe keeping sometimes means forgetting it was there.  The book didn't get read as often as it should have.  The pages still left for words remained blank.  The book is a memory and now the author is me.  I hold the pen in my hand alone this time, holding it over it's blank pages...wanting to start, but not being able to.  The pen shakes in my hand and I want to throw it away.  I want to close the book, with all the blank pages, but I can't.   Love is like a tangled up necklace.  It's knotty, it's messy and sometimes parts can break while you're trying to fix it.  But if it's your favorite necklace you save it anyway.  You take the time to unknot it, and even if there's parts you can't you still keep it.  It's too important to just throw away.  You love the necklace and you've taken the time to try to unknot it, and you've accepted that some knots will stay.  Nothing is neat and orderly in love.  Nothing is just so.  No, love is messy.  Messy like the way a room looks after a 2 year old leaves it, or a 3 year old's finger painting.  Messy like after a hurricane blows through and downs trees.  But you clean, and you rebuild and that love is constant.