Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Act Your Age!

What exactly does that mean?  I was told last night that I didn't really seem my age, that I was more like a kid.  Growing up I was always told to act my age, but looking back I *was* acting my age.
So WTH?  I'm 37 years old...where's the outline of how I'm supposed to be acting?  I mean wedding anniversaries are laid out for you...telling you exactly what to get on which year...why not ages?
It'd be great to just open a book before every birthday and get a full outline of what you're supposed to be doing and how you're supposed to be acting....eh, maybe not.
I was never a fan of coloring in the lines...why start now.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Winds of Change

Oh yeah, those winds of change are blowing all right...blowing so hard my damn hair is getting messed up (sorry, taking a "southern moment" ;-) )

The other day it hit me, my life is going to change forever.  It's been a very long time since my life has had this much change in it, and it's GOOD....scary as hell, but good.

I'm excited to take the step onto this new path...there are a ton of things in my way, that's for sure...but for some reason I'm ok with that...I can see the end and I just want to run to it.  I'm exercising my patience though....which is comical all on it's own.

And distracted as ever, I plug along with my days...sometimes you just need to be a butterfly to get it all done....